Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Where oh where have you all been?

My how time flies! Lots has happened in the last few months...most of which I will save for later!

We have added to our family one furry little bundle of love. Daisy is now about 3 1/2 months old and a little more than we bargained for! However, we love her to pieces, especially because she doesn't shed! She is in her chewing stages and we never know what we are going to find wet, soggy, half used wads of whatever....The potty training is still in its, well, training stages. What a pain in the butt! It does seem like the last few days have been better so maybe we are finally making progress!

When I get a chance I will post pics of the new rug rat---they will be worth looking at!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Home Sweet Home!!!!

WE DID IT!!!!! No, not that silly! However, we finally bought a house! And it seems to be one that both my husband and I are somewhat in "like" with. It has great potential and has us dreaming many dreams for it! Hubby's dream, of course, is a huge shop. Mine pretty much involves adding on more living space and having a dream kitchen. I am amazed, daily, at how much work and how expensive owning your own home is. I think we have made weekly trips and purchases at Home Dopey and still have a list a mile long. The little things really seem to add up as well!

After being here for two months, things still aren't put away completely. My craft room is still in piles as well as our room. I still need to put the finishing touches on the guest room and get that organized. Hubby has been working hard in the garage.....I don't set foot in there, that is his territory! Anyway, the new house is fun and lots of hard work.