Saturday, May 17, 2008

19 Days and counting....oh, but who's really counting????

This school year has gone by incredibly fast. I can still remember being back the first day and picturing what would happen this year. I don't think much has happened according to my plan I had in my head, but in all it has been a good year.

It has been a stressful year in that, for a small school of about 350, at least 8 kids have been directly affected by death. They either lost a mother, a father, or a sibling. Kids never cease to amaze me though. They bounce back with a resilience that I no longer posess. I sometimes wish I still had it but know that I would not be able to handle the emotions that I now
know how to deal with.

With the end of this school year coming to a close, my list of to do's is quickly becoming longer and longer. I always have grand plans but never seem to get much of it accomplished. On my list so far:

1. Paint Bedroom

2. Install ceiling fan in bedroom

3. Paint bathroom


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