Monday, July 14, 2008

tag....I am it!

Someone sent this to me via email so I am going to try it on my blog here.

1. 4 jobs I've had :

Intstructional Assistant for physically and mentally challenged children
Slave for a Group Home for Mentally Challenged Male Sex Offenders
Clerk at Video Store
Nanny on Long Island for a newborn for two years

2. 4 movies I can watch over and over
Sweet Home Alabama
Sixteen Candles
Dumb and Dumber (and I laugh harder each time I watch it!)

3. 4 places I have lived:

Ontario, OR --Don't get too excited....Ontario....WooHoo~
Great Neck, NY--Nanny for two years
Vale, OR--Grew up here...enough said
Juntura, OR--I don't remember living here. This was my first home with my parents and we moved after the school year was over for my Dad.

4. 4 favorite TV shows:

Adoption Story
Amazing Race

5. 4 Places I've been:

Niagra Falls
Maui, Hawaii
Las Vegas, NV

6. 4 Favorite foods:

Veggie Delight Sandwich from Subway
Any sort of seafood
Scarface Pasta from DiChicos in Fresno

7. 4 websites I visit daily:

Two Peas in A Bucket
Various blogs

8. 4 Places I'd rather be:

Bandon, OR
A Cruise (Which will happen in a year-WooHoo!)
Visiting friends and family in OR/ID
Back in Hawaii sipping pina coladas

4 Blog buddies I want to tag:

Surprise me....

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